Dennis Horn and Shirley Payne have been practicing law in Mississippi since the mid-1970’s. After starting out with the Legal Services program, Horn moved to work as an assistant district attorney while Payne was the staff attorney for the Mississippi chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, until they formed Horn & Payne, PLLC, their mom and pop’s law firm, in 1985. Their daughter Leigh recently joined the practice.
Their experience has been varied and, among the three of them, they have nearly 200 reported cases, ranging from A to Z:
- auto accidents to adoptions,
- banking,
- criminal law and child custody,
- divorce,
- equal rights and estates,
- financial mis-dealings,
- gaming,
- harassment,
- (personal) injury,
- judicial performance,
- handicapped kids,
- litigation,
- capital murder defense,
- negligence and nuisance actions,
- operating mistakes,
- plaintiffs’ employment actions,
- qui tam litigation,
- receiverships,
- Social Security and Sovereignty Commission,
- torts and trusts,
- university tenure disputes,
- Veterans’ Administration Hospital and veterinarian board issues,
- wills and waterway disputes,
- x-ray malpractice, and
- youth court,
- and the zoo.